Monday, December 23, 2013

The Lawleys.

                                                                  My absolute favorite.

I adore this family so much I'm grateful for all they do for me!

Sam Askerlund.

Meet Sam, she is such a role model to me and I have loved getting to know her fun and spunky personality. She is so confident and truly beautiful inside and out. We instantly had a sister bond and could talk for hours on end about everything. She is my twin in so many ways. Whenever I felt like I was the only one who went through an awkward crazy situation she had one that would one up me and we would just laugh. We are so awkward and funny together. I'm grateful for her testimony of the Gospel. I'm thrilled on her decision to serve the Lord and serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I will miss her dearly and ball like a baby when I have to say goodbye, but she will be an amazing strong and devoted missionary.